Great challenges to be overcome
An entrepreneur must be able to face one of the challenges that affects many people: loneliness. Indeed, entrepreneurship is an activity for lonely people. However, by completing this set of challenges, you will be able to succeed in your project.
Turning your entrepreneurial ambitions into reality
Business - Meeting the early stage challenges
Given the many obstacles that entrepreneurs face, doubts, cash flow problems, administrative difficulties, work overload, etc., there are many challenges to overcome.
Small business
What if you start online?
Small business aims to reduce the complexity of administrative procedures in the management of SMEs. The aim is to develop an appropriate environment for entrepreneurs to expand. The programme includes improving training, organising exchanges of experience and promoting entrepreneurship. If you are looking for a solution for your project, you can call on helloprimo.com.

Drawing up a complete business plan
A business plan should attract the attention of financiers. It is neither too long nor too short.

Starting a business
To set up your company, you need to select your legal status.

Legal form of business
To start your own business, choose your legal form.
Legal formalities and procedures
Choose between a company and a sole proprietorship before launching your business.
Start-up strategies
Explore funding options for your start-up
In addition to traditional lenders, start-up founders have many options for financing their business: incubators, venture capital, business angels, etc.

Business Angels
A business angel invests in various sectors and favours regional or local companies.

Bank loans
To start a business, you can opt for a personal loan. Use the loan as you see fit.

Participatory financing
Created in 2017, crowdfunding is a label that works in the energy transition.
Startup strategies
Key strategies for your growth

Business strategy
The commercial strategy contributes to the overall success of the company.

Marketing strategy
Succeed with your marketing strategy through emotional marketing or storytelling.

Communication strategy
Social networks and influence strategies are effective communication strategies.

Management strategy
Strategic management can take emerging or deliberate decisions.
Business management
Successfully managing your company
The principle of business management is to master the figures and key performance indicators. This tool allows you to elaborate corrective actions in order to adapt to an increasingly competitive environment. Use a business management method to help VSE managers manage their company and sustain their business.

Franchise network
Joining a franchise
To join a franchise, you will have to sign a pact that can vary according to the situation. Thanks to franchising, you will be able to benefit from a reassuring and rapid solution right from the start. The drafting of a commercial franchise agreement is free. It must comply with the rules of both contract law and common law.
Entrepreneurs's days
Participate in trade shows
Trade fairs offer many business opportunities.
Thanks to these events, you can develop your professional network, boost your reputation, reach new customers or unite your teams. These trade shows are an opportunity to maintain and humanise your relationships. This allows you to meet your prospects or customers in order to boost your sales. By offering demonstrations of your services or products, you can test your sales force. You can also take the opportunity to fine-tune your product before launching it on the market.